Looking to donate new or gently used toys, books and other children's items in Erie this holiday season? Here is a list of organizations and groups you can support with a donation.
Updated Nov. 14, 2023
Know of a nonprofit or organization you support not listed here that is collecting items during the holiday season? Let me know at karam@macaronikid.com, and we'll add it to the list!
Donate new toys and other items:
Taradoodles ToyBox of Erie
All toys bought from this list will be stored by ToyBox for Erie and then donated to local charities who need toys for children throughout the year. After disasters, birthday in a shelter, holidays, emergency foster placements, etc. ToyBox provides about HALF the toys for ToysForTots Erie alone! Thank you for choosing to Be The Good and giving JOY and HOPE this Christmas to your community. Every toy counts and is appreciated from stocking stuffers, board games, books and stuffed animals to crafts and big toys. Find the Amazon wishlist here.
Mercy Center for Women
The Mercy Center for Women has a Christmas Amazon wish list of items put together by residents and staff.
SafeNet Erie
Accepts new toys, books and art supplies as well as other items. Visit here for their full list.
Toys For Tots
Donate a new, unwrapped toy to Toys For Tots at any of the locations found here.
Where to donate gently-used and gently-loved items:
Erie Free Store
Donated toys are given away for FREE to anyone who needs a little extra help in the community. Find out more here.
Little Free Pantries
Gently-used gloves, hats, socks and other small items for children and adults are always in need at Little Free Pantries throughout Erie. Find a list of Little Free Pantries here.
Little Free Libraries
Always in need of gently-used books. Here are the locations of Little Free Libraries around Erie (Please note this list was last updated in 2019).