By choosing Y Summer Day Camp, you’re choosing more than a summer daycare service. Y camps are high quality, affordable and convenient all summer long.
YMCA camps participate in Pennsylvania’s Keystone STARS program, which — like a hotel rating system — ensures program quality, staff credentials, health, and safety of all campers. All camps are STAR-accredited.
Children spend time indoors and outdoors as experienced staff lead campers in a wide variety of activities each day, including nature, water fun, games, weekly off-site field trips, sports,
instructional/recreational swimming, arts and crafts, and new friendships.
In addition, the Y incorporates wellness into the day’s offerings. Children participate in playful activities that teach basic knowledge on how to incorporate proper nutrition, exercise, and positive self-image into their daily lives. Lunch and camper T-shirt included.
Find out more and sign up now for summer camp at the YMCA of Greater Erie!
Y Summer Day Camps are available in the following locations:
County YMCA
Downtown YMCA
Eastside YMCA
Glenwood Park YMCA
YMCA Camp Sherwin
The Y at First Presbyterian Church-Waterford
Register today for Y Summer Day Camp!
Financial assistance is available for qualifying families.
Business Review
“During the summer, my children get to experience places I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to take them such as the Drake Well Museum, Claytopia, the Tom Ridge Environmental Center and bowling.”
Erika Fischer
“Our children loved the weekly field trips, where they were excited to experience culture, recreation and diversity in the real world rather than on a screen. They were getting plenty of exercise and building healthy habits without even realizing it.”
Melissa Sinicki
“Camp is great for their confidence. The variety of field trips broaden their knowledge. Their social skills have improved as well.”
Schelly Reitsma
“Our 13-year-old son started at Camp in first grade. Because of the awesome teaching staff, we have watched him develop into such a responsible and well-behaved young man.”
Doris Schiller