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Breakfast with Santa at Peek’n Peak (Reservations required)

Saturday December 10, 2022 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Peek 'n Peak Resort1405 Olde Road1405 Olde RoadClymer NY 14724
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Gather your friends & family for Peek’n Peak’s Breakfast with Santa!

Enjoy a breakfast buffet of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries, pastries, fresh fruit, and more. Each child will have the chance to visit Santa Clause! Breakfast Seatings begin at 8AM, last seating at 12PM.

*Pricing includes craft stations, photos with Santa, a toy from Santa, and breakfast buffet.

Add a Hot Chocolate Bar for $5!

Reservations are required by calling (716) 355-4141 ext.7155


Adult: $22; Kids: $18

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