
FREE: Mountain Biking at Erie Bluffs State Park

Saturday May 13, 2023 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Erie Bluffs State Park11122 West Lake RoadLake City PA 16423
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The DCNR educators, Lake Erie Trail Cooperative, and Northern Allegany Mountain Bike Association are hosting a mountain bike adventure at Erie Bluffs State Park. 

Participants will explore the Erie Bluffs trails by mountain bike. Upon registration participants will be asked to identify the level of mountain biking experience. beginner, moderate, or advanced. 

Participants are encouraged to use their own mountain bike but if a participant does not have one and would like to participate in the program we have a limited amount of bikes that can be provided upon first come first serve basis. 

Light snacks and water will be provided by the Lake Erie Trail Cooperative group. 

Participants will be given instructions on safety, rules of the trail, bike maintenance, and two interpretive stops by the DCNR educators along the trail. 

Beginner will be a 4 mile loop, Moderate a 6 mile loop, and Advanced an 8 mile loop. Wear proper footwear for mountain biking and dress for weather.

To Register, Click here.


Families and teens welcome.



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